Art is What You Make It for Sunny Isles Real Estate Developer

Sunny Isles Real Estate Photo by Alexia Fodere

Photo by Alexia Fodere

Sunny Isles real estate is a hot topic, and this area developer is pulling out all the stops.

Say you’ve just purchased a prime piece of Sunny Isles Beach real estate. Let’s also say you have a spot in your gorgeous new luxury condo that cries out for a big piece of art. You know, the kind that makes a real statement about who you are and what you’re all about.

What do you do?

Do you wander to your local gallery searching for the ideal painting or sculpture complimenting your décor?

Do you perhaps commission a local artist to create something just for you?

You could.

Or you could have your car mounted on your wall.

That’s exactly what Trump Palace resident Gil Dezer, whose company also happened to develop the building, has done.

The thing is, 34-year-old Dezer really, really loves Porches. He owns eight of them. But apparently, his 1950 Porsche Spyder 550 is a lot more fun to look at than it is to drive. In fact, it’s so much fun to look at; he considers it a work of art.

The Art of Sunny Isles Real Estate

So when he was told his new, 8,000-square-foot condo needed a piece of art, Dezer knew he already had just the thing to fit the bill.

Of course, hanging a car on your wall isn’t like hanging any other work of art. You can’t just hammer a couple of nails in and try to balance it on a side-view mirror. And as you might imagine, they don’t make heavy-duty picture hooks strong enough to support a motor vehicle – even a two-seater!

Luckily, Dezer was already in the right business to get this particular job done. He commissioned a local construction company, Coastal Construction, for the job. And while it took six months of planning, engineering, and even a crane, the job only took a few hours.

And Dezer now has a Porsche hanging over his front door.

Who knows what might be hiding behind (or over) the doors of other Miami luxury condos and homes? We’ll keep you posted…

Contact Ashton here for all things Miami real estate.